奈良県橿原市今井町の視察 A Visit to Imai Town, Nara Prefecture

小林広英教授(Prof. Hirohide Kobayashi)、宮地茉莉(Mari Miyaji, D2)、浜辺里美(Satomi Hamabe, M2)、成田茉優(Mayu Narita, M1)、藤本佳奈(Kana Fujimoto, M1)
2018年7月31日 (July 31,2018)


We visited Imai Town in Nara Prefecture, which is registered as a conservation district by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Imai Town was known as Jinai-cho (literally a town with a temple inside). There used to be a circulate moat around the town in the Edo Era, but it has been filled up. However, we could observe the historical townscape and some historical houses built in Edo Era as well as learn about the history of the town from local people. 

【Fig.1】交流センターで今井町の歴史を学ぶ/Learning the history of town at the Visitor Center
【Fig.2】地元の方にお話を伺う/A local guide telling a local story
【Fig.3】復元された環濠/Restoration of a circulate moat
【Fig.4】集合写真/Group photo in front of a historical house

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