金津創作の森開館20周年記念日祭講演 Lecture for 20th Anniversary of Kanaz Art Core

小林広英教授(Prof. Hirohide Kobayashi)
2018年7月28日(July 28, 2018)


Prof. Kobayashi made a special lecture for the 20th anniversary of Kanaz Art Core (Awara city of Fukui prefecture, https://sosaku.jp/information/artcore/), presenting how the laboratory team developed the concept and the design of it. This small museum is located in the forest and still the place for the enjoyment of many local people even after 20 years. 

【Fig.4】ミュージアム1 (引用:金津創作の森財団HP)
【Fig.5】ミュージアム2 (引用:金津創作の森財団HP)
【Fig.6】ギャラリー (引用:金津創作の森財団HP)

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