和歌山県みなべ町、田辺市、白浜町へのスタディーツアー Study Tour to Minabe Town and Tanabe City in Wakayama Prefecture

小林広英教授(Prof. Hirohide Kobayashi)、落合知帆助教(Assis. Prof. Chiho Ochiai)、浜辺里美(Satomi Hamabe, M2)、シモーネ・モルジアニ(Simone Morsiani, Exchange student)
2018年7月14日~15日 (July 14-15,2018)


We joined the study tour to Wakayama for GSGES short-term exchange students from Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. On the first day, we visited the Minabe Town Ume Promotion Museum and listened to the lecture by a local government officer and an Ume Meister about “the Minabe-Tanabe Ume System”, one of the GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) designated by FAO. Then we moved to an Ume farm where we visited the Ume orchard and the processing factory. After that we visited Senri-no-Hama beach, which is known as one of the most important sites in Japan for loggerhead turtles’ egg laying and we had a lecture about the turtles. On the second day, we visited the Kyoto University Shirahama Aquarium and Minakata Kumagusu Museum in Shirahama town. 

【Fig.1】梅農園の見学/Visit to the Ume orchard
【Fig.2】梅加工場の見学/Visit to the Ume processing factory
【Fig.3】南方熊楠記念館/Minagata Kumagusu Museum
【Fig.4】宿舎にて夕食/Dinner at the accommodation

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