神戸を訪れ、阪神淡路大震災について学習 Field trip in Kobe to learn about Hanshin Awaji Earth quake

落合知帆助教(Assis. Prof. Chiho Ochiai)、宮地茉莉(Mari Miyaji, D2)、浜辺里美(Satomi Hamabe, M2)、サイニメレ・ヴェイタタ(Sainimere Veitata, M1)、セリーヌ・ジャミン(Celine Jamin, M1)成田茉優(Mayu Narita, M1)、藤本佳奈(Kana Fujimoto, M1)、大澤颯太郎 (Sotaro Osawa, M1)、フランチェスカ・プロディ(Francesca Prodi, Exchange student)、シモーネ・モルジアニ(Simone Morsiani, Exchange student)、リカルド・ベリネッロ(Riccardo Bellinello, Exchange student)、ヴァネッサ・コッピ (Vanessa Coppi, Exchange student)
2018年6月9日(June 9,2018)


We visited Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI) and learn about Hanshin Awaji Earthquake. And then, we walked around Ngata-Ward looking photos of the area taken just after the earthquake and compare with the current city landscape. Simone and Francesca continue to research about earth quake. 

【Fig.1】walking around Nagata Ward
【Fig.2】staff of DRI is explaining about Hanshin Awaji Earth quake

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