福井県大飯郡おおい町の過疎集落でバンブーグリーンハウスを製作 Construction of Bamboo Green-House in Ooi, Fukui

小林広英教授(Prof. hirohide Kobayashi)、サイニメレ・ヴェイタタ(Sainimere Veitata, M1)、セリーヌ・ジャミン(Celine Jamin, M1)、大澤颯太郎(Sotaro Osawa,M1)、フランチェスカ・プロディ(Francesca Prodi, Exchange student)、シモーネ・モルジアニ(Simone Morsiani, Exchange student)、リカルド・ベリネッロ(Riccardo Bellinello, Exchange student)
2018年6月2日(June 2, 2018)


We continued the construction of the Bamboo Green House (BGH) in Oisako settlement which is a vacant settlement in Nadasho village, Fukui Prefecture. We finished main bamboo frames of two spans and will complete split bamboo arches for the next trip on July 7th. 

【Fig.1】Pillar construction
【Fig.2】 Group photo in BGH
【Fig.3】 Completion of main structure

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