2019年度第一回目のラボゼミ / First Lab Seminar in Spring 2019

Prof. Hirohide Kobayashi, Assist. Prof. Chiho Ochiai, Elif Berna Var and all students

2019年4月5日 (April 5, 2019)


The first seminar of the new academic year was held on April 5, 2019.  In this academic year, two new B4 students from the Department of Architecture and three new international students from Bangladesh, China and Myanmar joined the lab. Including the current and new students, almost 15 students introduced their research topics and interests during the seminar. Also, students organized a welcome party for the newcomers.

Fig.1: 新入生(博士)による発表の様子/Yin Mon Naing (D1)’s presentation.
Fig.2: M2学生による研究進捗発表/Osawa Sotarou (M2)’s presentation.
Fig.3: M1学生による研究計画発表/Nakamura Tomohiko (M1)’s presentation.
Fig.4: ウエルカムパーティーの様子/Preparation for the welcome party.

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