フィジー農村集落におけるサイクロン被害と再建状況に関する現地調査 / Field survey of the damage and reconstruction of Fijian traditional house affected by the Cyclone

Mari Miyaji (D3), Sainimere Veitata (M1)
2019年3月12-25日(March 12-25, 2019)


Mari Miyaji(D3) and Sainimere Veitata(M1) conducted the field survey in Navala Village and Nakoroboya Village affected by the Tropical Cyclone Winston in 2016. After the disaster, the government of Fiji supported the reconstruction of western style houses with CI sheet. Most of the households in both villages have already finished the reconstruction work. In Navala Village, they will start to reconstruct the traditional house, ‘Bure’, in this year. We will continue to conduct field surveys on the reconstruction of Fijian traditional houses and the research results will be published as an academic dissertation.

【Fig.1】: ナコロンボヤ村で集合写真/Group photo at Nakoroboya Village
【Fig.2】: アンケート調査/Questionnaire survey
【Fig.3】: ナバラ村/Navala Village
【Fig.4】: 再建された住居/Reconstructed house

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