福井県大飯郡おおい町の過疎集落でバンブーグリーンハウスを製作 Construction of Bamboo Green-House in Ooi, Fukui

小林広英教授(Professor Hirohide Kobayashi)、落合知帆助教(Assis. Prof. Chiho Ochiai)、宮地茉莉(Mari Miyaji, D2)、ヴァル・エリフ・ベルナ(Elif Berna Var,D2)、 リチ・ラプラス(Richelli, D1)、浜辺里美(Satomi Hamabe, M2)、藤山洋斗(Hiroto Fujiyama, M2)、蔡松倫(Tsai Sung Lun, M1)、サイニメレ・ヴェイタタ(Sainimere Veitata, M1)、セリーヌ・ジャミン(Celine Jamin, M1)成田茉優(Mayu Narita, M1)、藤本佳奈(Kana Fujimoto, M1)、大澤颯太郎 (Sotaro Osawa, M1)、中村友彦(Tomohiko Nakamura, B4)、南野皓亮(Kousuke Minamino, B4)、渡邊雅廣(Watanabe Masahiro, B4)、ラウラ・クレッポ(Laura Creppo, 交換留学生)
2018年5月12日~13日 (May 12-13, 2018)


We made Bamboo Green House (BGH) in Oisako village which is a vacant settlement in Notaoi Natahou Ooi town Ooi gun Fukui Prefecture. This activity is a part a project aiming at the revitalizing this vacant settlement in collaboration with Ooi government and our lab. We will continue to build BGH on 2 June and try to complete it. We also took measurements of the old traditional house with a thatched roof which is located in Oisako village and did interviews of the people living near Oisako village about their lifestyle and the problem of vacant houses. 

【Fig.1】【Fig.2】製作風景/construction of BGH
【Fig.3】集合写真/groupe photo

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