One-Day Seminar on Post-disaster Housing: Resilience Perspective 復興後の住宅再建に関するセミナーで発表

Kenji Okazaki, Associate Prof. Jane Singer, Assistant Prof. Chiho Ochiai, Nafesa Ismail (D3)
28th February 2018


Prof. Okazaki, Associate Prof. Singer, Assistant Prof. Ochiai and Nafesa presented at the One-day Seminar at Auditorium Grha Wiksa Praniti in Bandung, Indonesia. The seminar was co-organized with RIHHS, FCEE-Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) and GSGES-Kyoto University. The representative of Director General of Housing Provisions from the Ministry of Public Work and Housing inaugurated the event and attended by the local government officers, NGOs, academicians and students. The 3 sessions included presentations from the Japanese and the Indonesian team. Both research teams presented their findings and recommendations. 

【Fig.1】Prof. Okazaki gave a remark speech during the opening ceremony
【Fig.2】Panel session by Associate Prof. Singer, Assistant Prof. Ochiai and Nafesa 
【Fig.3】Group photo of the participants 

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