岡山県津山市でバンブーグリーンハウス製作 Construction of Bamboo Green-House in Tsuyama, Okayama

エリフ(Elif Berna Var, D2)、宮地茉莉(Mari Miyaji, D2)


Elif(D2) and Miyaji(D2) helped to construct Bamboo Green-House in Tsuyama, Okayama. The field is vulnerable to strong winds in Monsoon season and snow in winter, and steel green-houses are destroyed by wind and snow. The local people wanted to try BGH because it is easy for them to repair when destroyed. They will hold workshop for construction of BGH on 17th Feb.

Fig.1 高倉自治協議会が作製したBGHの模型を見ながら打ち合わせ
Fig.2-4 BGH製作のようす

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