Eco-DRRプロジェクトによる滋賀県比良山系集落フィールド視察参加 Field visit to some villages in Hira mountain area, Shiga prefecture for Eco-DRR Project

小林広英准教授(Assoc. Prof. H. Kobayashi)
23th-24th December, 2017


Assoc. Prof. Kobayashi joins as a researcher of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature for the Eco-DRR Project titled “Research and Social Implementation of Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction as Climate Change Adaptation in Shrinking Societies”. The project members did the field visit to some villages in Hira mountain area – the west side of Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture.

Fig.1】江戸時代集落住民が造った長さ200mの石積護岸(百間堤) (200m stone masonry dike constructed by local villagers in Edo period)
【Fig.2】自然回復のために集落住民が造った護岸整備河川(喜撰川)の魚道 (Wooden fish pass in the revetment river placed by local villagers for natural recovery)
【Fig.3】集落住民による河川水害の歴史説明 (Presentation of river floods history by a local villagers)

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