Field Survey for Post Cyclone Winston Recovery in Rakiraki village, Fiji Islands

Sainimere Veitata (M1)

March 11- 14, 2019

Rakiraki village was one of the most affected village by Tropical Cyclone Winston in 2016. It is a village on the outskirts of Vaileka town- the main town in Rakiraki, Fiji. The village has 80 households and their main source of livelihood was office work in the city. I could complete 22 household interviews and 2 intensive interviews with the village headman and another gentleman whose house was not affected- he was able to house 3 families up to 1 month after the cyclone. Although, it has been three years since the cyclone most of the farms and the gardens around the houses have recovered and families have claimed to have their food sources return to normal. This village survey is part of my master’s thesis looking at community self-recovery, where I am comparing it against two other villages in Fiji.

【Fig.1】: Interview with the village head man
【Fig.2】: Household interview
【Fig.3】: Construction materials for some houses in the village
【Fig.4】: The church in the village which was also an evacuation sites

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