香川県高松市及び兵庫県篠山市のバンブーグリーンハウスの視察 Visiting to Bamboo Green-House in Takamatsu, Kagawa and Sasayama, Hyogo

小林広英教授、宮地茉莉(D3)Profossor Hirohide KOBAYASHI, Mari MIYAJI(D3)
2018年10月29日-31日(October 29-31, 2018)


We visited to Bamboo Green-Houses in Takamatsu, Kagawa and Sasayama, Hyogo with Associate Professor Kazuyoshi Nishijima at DPRI (Disaster Prevention Research Institute) in order to investigate wind resistance of BGHs. The BGH in Takamatsu was built in 2015 and it is still used for agriculture. On the other hand, the other in Sasayama was built in 2017 but destroyed by Typhoon in last August. We continue the joint research with Assoc. Prof. Nishijima and aim to advance BGH.

【Fig.1】高松市のBGH/BGH in Takamatsu
【Fig.2】所有者に話を聞くようす/Interview to BGH owner
【Fig.3】台風21号で倒壊した篠山市のBGH/BGH destroyed by the typhoon
【Fig.4】壊れた箇所の確認/Discussion on damage of BGHs 

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