Research activity in Nara prefecture to welcome new exchange students

小林広英教授(Professor Hirohide Kobayashi)、リチ・ラプラス(Richelli, D1)、シモーネ(Simone, exchange students)、フランチェスカ(Francesca, exchange students)
2018年5月30日(30th May 2018)


Our laboratory welcome new exchange students from Italy: Simone and Francesca. We conducted together field activity in Nara prefecture, Japan, guided by Prof.Hirohide Kobayashi and Ricelli Laplace (D1). The aim of this activity was to explore traditional Japanese building techniques with wood and clay used in construction of temples. Activities included visit to historical building like Todaiji temple and the National museum. There was also the opportunity to explore local nature and the presence of Japanese dears that inhabit the park. 

【Fig.1】Todaiji temple construction model and explanation
【Fig.2.3】 Traditional materials: tiles and woods used in the construction of the temple
【Fig.4】Italian student Simone Morsiani with local dear

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