滋賀県大津市の守山集落でフィールド調査を実施 Do a field survey in Moriyama Village in Otsu Fukui prefecture

落合知帆助教(Assis.prof.Chiho Ochiai)、深町加津枝准教授 (Associate prof.Kazue Fukamachi)、大澤颯太郎 (Osawa Sotaro, M1)、ラウラ・クレッポ(Laura Creppo, Exchange student)
2018年5月18日 (May 18, 2018)


We do a field survey in Moriyama village-Otsu-Shiga prefecture. We observe stone walls made with Moriyama stone which is unique to this area and stone pagodas made with granite. And we also do interview about events and lifestyle to people live in this village. 

【Fig.1】stone walls made with Moriyama stone
【Fig.2】stone pagoda made with granite
【Fig.3】Seifukuji temple

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