2−2.自然災害と人間居住 / Natural disaster and Human settlement

  • 石技術文化をもつ集落の民俗学的フィールド調査 (滋賀県比良地域) / An ethnological field study on stone mason culture and their settlement in in Hira area, Shiga prefecture (2018 – )
  • 石文化と伝統的なEco-DRR調査 (滋賀県比良地域) / Afield study on stone culture and traditional eco-based disaster risk reduction (Hira area, Shiga) (2018 – )
  • 洪水常襲集落のフィールド調査 (和歌山県本宮町、新宮市、奈良県十津川村) / A field study on disaster preparedness and response in the flood prone area (Hongu town and Shingu city of Wakayama, Totsukawa village of Nara) (2016 – )
  • 洪水災害常襲集落のフィールド調査(ベトナム・フエ省)/ A field study on the living conditions in the flood prone areas in Central Vietnam (2010 – 2012)
  • 大火災と地域・住宅再建を支えるコミュニティ組織の調査 (アメリカ・カリフォルニア) / A field study on community organization to support post-disaster housing reconstruction and community rebuilding (Northern California, USA) (2016 -)
  • 大規模災害と参加型の住宅再建調査 (インドネシア・アチェ、ジョグジャカルタ、パダン) A field study on community-based housing reconstruction and community rebuilding after large scale earthquake and tsunami (Aceh, Yogyakarta and Padang, Indonesia) (2016 -2018)
  • 災害・開発による移転と住環境再構築に関する調査(インドネシア、ベトナム)/ A field study on living environment rebuilding after the disaster and development induced resettlement (Indonesia, Vietnam) (2016 -2018)
  • 伝統的な地域自主防災を担う住民組織に関する調査(スイス、オーストリア、アメリカ)/ A field study on community-based disaster preparedness and response (Switzerland, Austria and USA) (2016 -2016)
  • 関東大震災に関する資料の再検討と経験の継承(神奈川県)/ A literature review and field study on Kanto-earthquake in Kanagawa prefecture (2016 -)