2−1.地域資源とコミュニティ / Local resources and community living

砺波散居村伝統住居のフィールド調査(富山県砺波市)/ A field research on the community cooperation for the construction of traditional folk house (Tonami city, Toyama) (2016 – 2023)

In the Tonami Plain of Toyama Prefecture, there is a unique landscape of villages where dwellings are scattered among rice paddies. We investigated in detail the construction process of the houses about 110 years ago by deciphering various documents from the time of construction. We found that many of the residents participated in a series of work in the village, starting from ground clearance, procurement and transportation of lumber, woodcutting, and carpentry.

[サイト / Sites]
富山県, 砺波平野
Tonami, Toyama

[主要論文 / Papers]
散村集落における民家とカイニョの変容 : 砺波市五郎丸を対象として, 宮地茉莉, 小林広英, 2020
明治期におけるアズマダチ民家の建設プロセス : 堅田邸・建設関連資料の分析を通して, 小林広英, 杉中瑞季, 2020

[掲載 / Press]
「地域の歴史から学ぶ災害対応 砺波平野庄川流域の散村と伝統知・地域知」総合地球環境学研究所 Eco-DRRプロジェクト

風土建築の多面的評価 (ベトナム、フィジー、タイ) / A field research on multilateral evaluation of vernacular architecture (Vietnam, Fiji, Thailand) (2016 – 2019)

We will attempt to evaluate the characteristics of vernacular architecture, which has been constructed and maintained using three elements: local materials, traditional techniques, and communal labor, as essential elements for the future construction of a balanced regional environment in terms of “regional identity” and “coexistence with nature” in today’s overly globalized society.

[サイト / Sites]
Vietnam, Fiji, Thai

無住集落再生・新里人構想プロジェクト (福井県名田庄) / A field project on the revitalization of abandoned village (Natasho village, Fukui) (2016 – )


By conducting a survey of the architectural characteristics of thatched houses in Natasho, Ooi-machi, Fukui Prefecture, a depopulated and aging community, and by interviewing local historians to investigate the process of communal labor during construction in the past, we explored methods of passing on traditional architectural culture rooted in the local community in the future.

[サイト / Sites]
福井県, 名田庄
Natasho village, Fukui

[主要論文 / Papers]
福井県おおい町名田庄に残る茅葺き民家 ‘集落庵’の建築的特徴, 三谷悠, 福井喜一, 小林広英, 2013
Sustainability of the thatched house in Nadasyo village in Fukui prefecture, Japan, H. Kobayashi, K. Fukui & H. Mitani, VerSus2014 − International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia, Spain, Published on “Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future”, CRC Press, pp. 403−409, 11 Sept. 2014

都市農村の居住環境調査 (ベトナム・フエ省) / A field study on the living conditions in urban-rural settlement (Hue province, Vietnam) (2013 – 2016)

In the old city of Hue, the ancient capital of Vietnam, we surveyed the living environment of the illegal settlements on the city walls, or “base settlements,” and the organization and rituals of the Som, a local community unique to Vietnam. The study sought guidelines for the maintenance and transmission of traditional culture for future development in the cities of Vietnam, where development is progressing. In collaboration with Hue University of Science.

[サイト / Sites]

[主要論文 / Papers]
ベトナム中部フエ京城都市における塁上集落の居住環境に関する調査研究, 柴野 美弥, 小林 広英, 藤枝 絢子, 2015
ベトナム中部フエ旧市街の市民文化継承に関する調査研究 -路地コミュニティ・ソムにおける伝統的中秋節行事に着目して-, 白崎 里美, 小林 広英, 吉積 巳貴, 2015
Spatial transformation of traditional garden houses in Hue Citadel, Vietnam, N.T. Nguyen & H. Kobayashi, 2014
Impacts of Rapid Urbanization to Traditional Living Environment and Community Linkage in Historic Old Quarters of Vietnam: A Case Study on Gia Hoi Area in Hue City, Central Vietnam, Yoshizumi M., Ngoc T. N., Kobayashi H., 2013

地域資源の維持継承とコミュニティデザイン調査 (和歌山県本宮町、滋賀県比良地域)/ A field study on conservation and inheritance of local resources and community design (Hongu-Town, Tanabe-City in Wakayama, Mt.Hira region in Shiga) (2013 – )

We explore the potential for management and utilization of local resources and disaster responses from the perspective of management style, local voluntary organizations and people who are responsible for disaster preparedness and responses.

[サイト / Sites]
Hongu-Town, Tanabe-City in Wakayama, Mt.Hira region in Shiga

[主要論文 / Papers]
地域組織による入会地管理の歴史的変遷:滋賀県大津市南小松の観光開発と景勝保全を実例として, 成田茉優, 落合知帆, 2020
熊野川沿い集落における伝統的な水防建築「アガリヤ」の分布、集落内配置および利用変遷:和歌山県田辺市本宮町を事例として, 落合知帆, 2020