1−2.環境デザインの社会実践 / Practice of environmental design

バンブーグリーンハウス・プロジェクト (日本各地) / A practice in Bamboo Green-House Project (2008 – )

私たちの生活で竹材はほとんど使わなくなり、日本各地の里山で放置竹林が社会的問題となっている。このような状況下、バンブーグリーンハウス(BGH)は地域の里山保全と営農振興を目指し、シンプルな接合方法で誰でも簡単に製作できるセルフビルドの竹構造農業用ハウスとして開発・試行し、2015年から普及活動を行っている。現在(2023年9月時点)までに50棟以上のBGHが地域の人々によって製作され、情報共有のためのBGH Facebookでは4,000人近くの人々が参加している。今後も普及活動を進めていく。[2009年度グッドデザイン・サスティナブルデザイン賞受賞]
Abandoned bamboo forests in Japan has been increasing, since we don’t use bamboo material in our present life. It causes the social problems such as landscape degradation, encroachment on cultivated land, and animal damage. The Bamboo Green House Project proposes a solution by experimenting with self-constructed agricultural greenhouses utilizing bamboo material. The project allows anyone to construct bamboo-structured greenhouses using simple joining methods to provide cultivation space. [Winner of the 2009 Good Design Sustainable Design Award]

[サイト / Sites]
日本各地 Many places in Japan

[主要論文 / Papers]
バンブーグリーンハウス・プロジェクト 竹でつくる農業用ハウス:里山保全と地域とのつながりを深める, 小林広英, 森林技術 《特集》 竹利用のリノベーション, 日本森林技術協会, pp.16-19, No. 943, 2020年11月
セルフビルドによる竹構造農業用ハウス「バンブ−グリ−ンハウス」普及の取り組み SNSの活用・製作マニュアル配布・実地ワ−クショップによる普及活動, 宮地茉莉, 眞鍋邦大, 小林広英, 農村計画学会春期大会学術研究発表会要旨集, pp. 35−36, 2020年3月
新規就農者の営農開始期におけるバンブ−グリ−ンハウスの有用性評価 香川県高松市の都市近郊農家・いろどりファ−ムの事例, 眞鍋邦大, 宮地茉莉, 小林広英, 農村計画学会春期大会学術研究発表会要旨集, pp. 33−34, 2020年3月
バンブーグリーンハウスの試行と建設プロセス, 小林広英, 中川利春, 中川裕章, 大屋綾子, 200

[関連リンク / Links]

里山と連環する建築プロジェクト“キャンディファーム/たねや農藝“ (滋賀県近江八幡市) / A design project on the architecture linking to the surrounding nature – Taneya Agri-Culture (Ohmihachiman city, Shiga) (2013 – 2016)

菓子製造企業たねやグループの展開する「ラ コリーナ近江八幡」の一角に「キャンディファーム/たねや農藝」はある。木造の作業小屋のような工房棟と温室として機能する栽培棟からなる。自然と調和し、周囲の環境と共に変化する素材を用いた工房棟では、展示用の山野草の栽培や生け込み作業が行われている。工房棟と調和しつつも対照的な栽培棟では山野草の育苗が行われている。周辺の放置竹林整備やドングリの苗植えなども行われ、人々の活動が里山環境と結びついた一体的な風景がつくり出され、自然と人々が交わる場として成長している。
“Taneya Agriculture” is located in “La Collina Omihachiman” operated by Taneya. It consists of a wooden workshop building and a cultivation greenhouse. In the workshop building, which is made of materials that harmonize with nature and change with the surrounding environment, wildflowers are cultivated and arranged for display. In the cultivation greenhouse, which is in harmony with the workshop building but contrasts with it, seedlings of wildflowers are being raised. The surrounding bamboo grove is being maintained and acorn seedlings are being planted, creating an integrated landscape in which people’s activities are linked to the satoyama environment.

[サイト / Sites]
Ohmihachiman City, Japan

[受賞 / Awards]
日本建築学会, 作品選集2018(2018年3月)/ The award of Annual Architectural Design Commendation of AIJ, 2018(Mar, 2018)
建築設備綜合協会,第15回環境・設備デザイン賞入賞(2017年5月)/ 15th Environment and Equipment Design Award of Association of Building Engineering and Equipment (May, 2017)
日本建築家協会,第17回JIA環境建築賞入賞(2017年4月)/ 17th JIA Environmental Architecture Awards of the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA) (Apr, 2017)

[掲載 / Press]
新建築, 2022年12月号 / Shinkenchiku, 2022:12

空き家改修プロジェクト・サテライト古座(和歌山県串本町)/ Renovation Project “Satellite Koza” (Kushimoto, Wakayama) (2020)

A project to renovate a vacant house into a satellite office organized by the local organization “Koza MORI”. We designed to make book shelfs from fish boxes and to used printed plywood left at the site of a former joinery workshop for the walls.We designed it with a view to link with the villages along the Koza River, where many vacant houses are on the rise.

[サイト / Sites]
Kushimoto Town, Japan

地球環境の杜プロジェクト(京都大学構内) / MORI Project (Kyoto Univ., Kyoto) (2022)

Renewal of a small waterside garden on the Kyoto University campus. GEGES faculty and students began a project to develop a comfortable outdoor space. The project was led by Assistant Professor Suginaka and lab students. First, under the guidance of Professor Nishikawa, we cleaned the pond of mud and conducted a biological survey, and Professor Shibata explained the original intent of the garden design. We designed the deck, and with the help of a construction company, we self-built the deck, putting up the lumber for the deck.

[サイト / Sites]
Kyoto University, Japan

[関連リンク / Links]
Movie: 杜プロジェクト / MORI Project
ニュース – 「杜プロジェクト」のお披露目会を開催しました

西陣の立体町家 / Multi-floored Machiya House in Nishijin (2022)

計画敷地は間口4m、奥行き26mの典型的なうなぎの寝床であり、狭小間口の独特な敷地に対してどのような設計が可能か思考を巡らした。伝統的な京町家の単なるトレースではなくそのエッセンスを参照しながら、家族の様々な要望、住居としての快適性を満たし新たな創造的空間 “立体町家” をつくることを目指した。様々な高さの床面を設定することで家族の気配や通風、採光を室内にもたらす、空間、構造、環境が一体化した住居の提案となっている。
We examined what kind of design was possible for a long and narrow site with a frontage of 4 m and a depth of 26 m. We did not simply trace a traditional Kyoto machiya, but referenced its essence. The aim was to create a comfortable “Multi-floored machiya” that reflects the family’s desires by referencing the essence of a traditional Kyoto machiya, rather than simply imitating it. The floor surfaces are set at various heights to provide ventilation and lighting, and to convey the presence of the family.

[サイト / Sites]
京都市 / Kyoto City

[受賞 / Awards]

[掲載 / Press]
Casa BRUTUS, 2023年2月号 / No.274

景観舗装デザインプロジェクト(大阪府八尾市)/ A project on designing landscape pavements (Yao city, Osaka) (2014 – 2015, 2018 – 2019)

Pavement maintenance project commissioned by Yao City, Osaka Prefecture. In the past, cotton cultivation flourished in Yao City, and a rich industry and culture were formed through the production of Kawachi cotton. Based on these memories, various cotton designs will be incorporated into the road surface as landscape pavement, creating an identity for Yao City. This was applied on the station square of JR Yao and a part of Yao Family Road market streets.

[サイト / Sites]
Yao City, Japan

[実績 / Achievements]

大規模災害時に活用するUDドライトイレ / A project on the design of UD dry-toilet in post-disaster living conditions (2011)

After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, due to damage caused by the tsunami, exacerbating the toilet problem. Therefore, in collaboration with environmental engineering researchers at Kyoto University (Yoshihisa Shimizu, Hidenori Harada, et al.), we designed a portable toilet with a human waste separation system, manufactured it out of plastic cardboard, and distributed it to the affected areas. This helped in the early recovery of sanitation and living environments after a large-scale disaster.

[受賞 / Awards]
日本水大賞委員会, 「第14回日本水大賞」(2012年4月)/ The Japan Water Prize Committee, “14th Japan Water Award Grand Prize” 2012

[関連リンク / Links]

地産地消型木造建築システムの開発と実践 / A project on development and application of locally-based timber building system (2004-2013)

In recent years, mountain and urban disasters have increased in Japan. In response, a Kyoto University research team has been working with regional builders to develop a locally produced and consumed wood building system that aims to promote the cyclical use of domestic local timber and earthquake-resistant wood construction. Through various trials and implementation projects, they have promoted the appropriate use of local timber and technology transfer, contributing to the revitalization of wooden culture and the enhancement of local strength

[サイト / Sites]
日本各地 Many places in Japan

[主要論文 / Papers]
地産地消型木造建築システムの実践, 小林 広英, 松倉 崇, 小林 正美, 2008
j.Pod units as a sustainable building system, Hirohide Kobayashi, Masami Kobayashi, 2006

木造住宅耐震化の計画手法開発 / Design Development for Reinforcement of Japanese Wooden House (2002−2008)

To maintain or construct traditional wooden buildings in Japanese cities, we proposed various planning methods for the seismic retrofitting of wooden houses. These include: a prototype of a machiya-style house with disaster-prevention performance, a design proposal for a wooden high-rise office building, the development of a design for an earthquake-resistant reinforcement device for wooden frame construction buildings “Connection Damper/ QM Type”, a proposal for the earthquake resistance of traditional wooden frame houses, and the renovation and reconstruction of traditional/conventional wooden frame construction houses.

[受賞 / Awards]
2005 グッドデザイン賞(仕口ダンパー・QMタイプ) / 2005 GOOD DESIGN AWARD “Connection Damper/ QM Type”
2005 ひょうご住宅耐震改修コンペティション 兵庫県知事賞(鎖瀾閣・旧谷崎潤一郎邸) / 2005 Hyogo Housing Seismic Retrofitting Competition, Hyogo Prefectural Governor’s Prize (Sarankaku, former residence of Junichiro Tanizaki)
第23回住まいのリフォームコンクール上位5選(田井中の家) / Top 5 in the 23rd Residential Renovation Contest (House in Tainaka)
日本建築学会, 2003年度技術部門設計競技−火災に強い高層木造建築システム−優秀賞(ヒュ−マンスケ−ルな木部材で構成された高層木造オフィスビル)